Danube is blooming after 40 years
The water of Danube hasn't been so clean for a long time like in the last years. This shows the result of the environmental actoins of...
Crane birds over White Lake
One of the most important migration route of the european crane bird population is in East Hungary. In the autumn the rest places of the...
Short life of giant bubbles
This project was phisical, optical experiment. The magician, Ákos Molnár blewed giant bubbles in artifical light. The result was amazing!...
Jungle of orchard
The biggest floodplain orchard of Europe can be found in Szatmár county, Hungary. It is so harmoniously integrated with the magical...
Environmentally friendly composer
János Kardos-Horváth who was born in 1981 is a singer, musician, lyricist. At the beginning of 2000s he funded the so called Kaukázus the...
Breeding of may-flies
These photos were taken on Tisza river not far from Tiszainoka in the summer of 2014. On this day the circumstances were perfect so we...